Damn piece of fucking bullshit
The Lord forgives the lost doesn't. uh hahaha wow that mega badass catchphrase.
WHAT IS THIS FUCKING SHIT. A fucking expansion game/add-on (whatever you like) for GTA IV but it's only for the motherfucking 360. Man fuck them piece of shit microcock suckers. Exclusively for Xbox 360 fuck that shit. GTA III, Vice City, San Andreas, Liberty City Stories and Vice City Stories all came out on a Sony first not the fucking xbox. Even Nintendo got 2 I think exclusive gta games advance and chinatown wars. Whats next Cuban wars.
Man Fuck EA or take-two or Rockstar for making it just for 360 I don't care if the game is bad or sucks but only having it on 360 is like slapping your mother's face. PlayStation 2 made GTA 3-SA famous so why not have it on the Playstation 3. Nope I suppose Russian Mob Wars will come to the PS3 but then it won't be exclusive.
Fucking ass piece of shit fucker. Every time I see a fucking biker in GTA IV I am going to beat his ass with a baseball bat. Oh shit punch me you piece of shit biker. Guess what you missed pop pow your dead. Melee counter FTW. Then I am going to RPG your stupid worthless piece of shit biker a thousand times because yeah I am rich (5k for one ammo) and I can have unlimited amount.
So fuck you EA and Microsoft and fuck the Lost and Angels of Death. Niko should have massacred Johnny in the diamond heist part. Then have Packie burn the fucking body so there couldn't be an exclusive add content for the 360 without the main character of the lost and damned.
WHY Rockstar WHY.
I am pissed. Time to go kill the gay ass bikers.
Oh and the annihilator yeah that's badass the hunter in VC could kick the annihilators ass. Then get hydra in the fight its no fucking contest.
DFLR - (Didn't feel like reading) I am pissed the Lost and Damned is only for 360.