Well it sure paid off all the long hard work. every segement was well written and plan exteremely well. I have a fondness for cloned illusion
Well it sure paid off all the long hard work. every segement was well written and plan exteremely well. I have a fondness for cloned illusion
Damn its broken.
Or is there an easter egg. When SSTT 10 cuming out. oh well.
I luff Clock Crew
See above
Ajajajajajjajajajajjaja ;)
He well not that. Still A good show. nice text and sound. Well kids if you dont know george try looking below the link ja click on teh portal.
A tad to short for the masses but still very good. San fran and uno huge crapper roffl :D>~ Ok well MKK 7 I can wait for it.
I keep warning ]{0MBAT about the masses, but he never listens. KOTK7 will be along soon, I expect.
Its still fine
Well after 5-6 year absence this flash still delivers the good. I wonder if would have gotten a better score if it was submitted in 00. So all the hidden gems are going on the portal I cant wait for cat dyanmics.
<3 LL
Well I very good flash dvd style for Lawc day thats awesome. The graphics were very nice looking, the voices need more distinction quite frankly meh boy the sound too similar. Well not long till Clock day so farewall.
Thanks and <3
Well lemmu
I guss its thaty kids that like the fbf to most. And it sure was a different seeing the screen shake and whatnot for mu but maybe not tu. Ey cg on daily first. So the mask is suppose to mean something.
YEah your going...
BlinD. fapping fingers :P good enough short. Anyways Happy Lock Day.
Accept your perceived reality. n,l,e, I am the one that hides In Flames and fire. Ingested listen to them.🔨
Age 34
Coney Island Comm. College
Capital Wasteland
Joined on 2/12/02