eh wow
I hope the ps3 is really like that. This movie is in its own ways random but with opera music and a fake lets say infomerical annoucer it cant be truly called rundam.
eh wow
I hope the ps3 is really like that. This movie is in its own ways random but with opera music and a fake lets say infomerical annoucer it cant be truly called rundam.
This movie is over a year old, but now it's more relevant than ever. Have you SEEN the lies being sprouted by all sides at the moment? The blatantly BULLSHIT pictures for XBox 360 and Ps3? I am a prophet of bullshit gaming.
Watch this kids.
Ah my reviews to early for them to see so watch it agian.
Must these kids drunken drive. I am not to sad that they died because they deserved it. Still the graphics a odd its a hint of not whating to make them tidy so I'll just making the whole flash in that style. It still is good though. LMAO friends dont let friends drive drunk unless theres a girl waiting for them.
I watched a flash movie which had similar graphic from 'weebls stuff' website and I thought that it looked cool. Maybe I didn't pull it off aswell but nevermind
Ah what a change.
It was good till the last second. I do like the retro style look of the flash using blacknwhite and stuff from 50s or whatever decade. The voices wherever they came from sound authetic. I am to fucking lazy to watch the whole clip. So uddles
Not too bad,
Argck well the opening credits need to be cleaned up by getting rid of the ugly bg behind the text. Perheps some sort of voices check the voice acting club dont use text to speak. And um I guessing the 2 pistols took the longest to draw or not, still they are the most distinctive feature of the graphics part o' teh movie
I fell for it. The opening scence was just fine and the boobies kept the young boys watching. ZeThen boom mah speakers caught on fire.
OMg joo rock
Yesh the intro were viewers could see that chicks pantys gets the fives. This is truly a masterpiece worth triple gold. I am sure many are aniexty waiting the next episode by um voting 5 on it everyday. Damn I snapped the 70,000 view now its 70,361 Cs 4.5712
Why oh why
did Tom show us this before. This truely was the funniest insect flash ever created hands down. Now that the mewbgrounders know about it unforuantely there are going to be abusive reviews and Zero voters like You, but not the regulars. Its an old movie nothing more to comment on.
Fine and dandy
Another fine episode of BF man. Not extremely funny as most fanboys were expecting but it was good enough for me.
ok a good ol short.
Paraody.?! or a short Tribute. Perhaps the title should be switched to avoid futher confusion by noob reviews. Ah still the graphics matched very Tsly. Adieu.
good call, done and done
This flash actually made us think for a moment, I like the what if probing questions. Well rounded work on the feature but I didnt like the instumenatl music after the continue, its more personal preference.
Well thanks!!
Sorry you didn't like the second music, but ofcourse no music is for all, so :p
Accept your perceived reality. n,l,e, I am the one that hides In Flames and fire. Ingested listen to them.🔨
Age 34
Coney Island Comm. College
Capital Wasteland
Joined on 2/12/02