This flash actually made us think for a moment, I like the what if probing questions. Well rounded work on the feature but I didnt like the instumenatl music after the continue, its more personal preference.
This flash actually made us think for a moment, I like the what if probing questions. Well rounded work on the feature but I didnt like the instumenatl music after the continue, its more personal preference.
Well thanks!!
Sorry you didn't like the second music, but ofcourse no music is for all, so :p
Another superb collection from the uh you guys. It had all the elements of a collections that makes people laugh and piss of linkrulz omg omg omg hahauhuhahuhuha.
Hmm I wondered where this went.
I cant see the significant chaanges but it still funny seeing the crazy fool Jt try to knock the wind out of himself. O_0 his leg damn.
Fuck yeah The____Collections are back. Just a crappy and annoying to teh toadies as usual. Damn HHGC segement really made me L0L. Submit more please and thank. Achoo
Absolutely Brilliant!!
The two thumbs up. This should compete in top 50 for a while until the 14yrs that only like fast action gory frame by frames vote less than five on it. Well since you dont need any construsive criticism all I can say is the animals mostly the eyes and use of gradients have shown me that its not um how would I put this the best part of the feature. Grant the background is without a doubt the best part. Excellent choice on instrumental music. I hope not to see any reviews saying wtf it went to slow, WAH.
Fifened for great justice Cs 4.2826
The movie had great graphics, strangeclock voice eh doesnt sound clockish enough for me. And yeah she crazy with the 3,000 or more characters review. I said just make a list but she turns it into paragraphs. Next reviewer I suggest is M-A-R-C-U-S.
It's not the standard Clock voice, no.
Very good stick
It had what the the newbgrounders want and thats violence. I thinking you want to create a flash with has much killing and shootin and what not so you made this one. I do beileve the next scenes text could be a little fancier. I hope it gets the star war fans exicted and they vote 5 because of the lightsaber usage. Cs(UJ) 3.1995
That was nice,
But it had a gay dbz vibe to so -1 on overall score, roffles not really. and the music eh you can find better than I guessing linkinpark. Oh well I was going to vote low just because it was a stick movie but I continued watching through it so it gets a 2 from me.
The mighty Redangleknight has spoken!
CC will pwn joo toadies.
Now I am reviewing this while listening to benny hill music. Rofl @ STFU bombs . I never heard of breadfruitclock but I am guessing neither has 90% of newgrounders hasnt either. Still superb work on the graphics. ;_;
Just, Breadfruit is just quite new to the clockcrew, but thanks for that graphics comment and fer ya time! =D
Accept your perceived reality. n,l,e, I am the one that hides In Flames and fire. Ingested listen to them.🔨
Age 34
Coney Island Comm. College
Capital Wasteland
Joined on 2/12/02