cha cha geg tica tica tuce
The title of the featured flash filename was fucking hilarious t-heeee
cha cha geg tica tica tuce
The title of the featured flash filename was fucking hilarious t-heeee
Your voice sounds really phony, should have talked regulary for this. And vot3 5 all the time, your vp is worth more, not the vote but voting power. Futhermore why didnt you use that white 'n nerdy character as yourself.
well, sometimes it's good to test out the voice acting once in awhile. yea my VP is 14.04 right now. This is a "my newgrounds" and I chose not to talk about my own flash work. But instead talk about what flash out there I still like today and then the use of some censor bleeps.
Whats that D shape mark throughout the flash.
highly overrated, indeed. As I've said on many occasions, this piece doesnt have the score it really deserves (2.90, not more.)
Yea, I don't know what the D mark is about. I see it in the beggining on a white canvas for a few seconds, I really don't know what it is, or how it got there.
Anyway, thanks for the honest review. <3
Free Abusive WHISTLE HERE.
I am angry. I couldnt watch this fabulous flash movie film oy.
Hey iscrulz, sorry you couldnt view it. Why couldnt you? Was the load time a problem?
uh yea okey
That was not what I was expecting. I don't think subtitles were needed. There wasnt much dialogue to beginning with and if people can't hear it ( expected deafOs) they are retarded. But since there is the song playing should have been. Oh and I dont think the grey dudes shirt's face should be moving must of be a glitch.
hey, thanks for the review
no the shirt is not a glitch. it is ment to act like the charector's face; who along with everyone else, doesnt have one.
and as for the subtitles, i know one or two people that dont understand me when im trying to talk to them, so to be safe i added them in. the subtitles did block off the guys shirt in the doctor scene though... but i was way too lazy and excited to bother with it
In out twwirle
That was a very interesting film. It got me exicted from the side aching laughing, from the impeccable writing. The other part was the clever graphic oh so smart ouch.
I'm glad you enjoyed it. Hope you don't injure yourself too badly from laughing!
Too spooky frightening for me.
First I notice an technical error in the cleaver the hole was on the bottom and cleavers' hook hole is on the top. The quality was great but the drawings blinking was a strain on the eyes. Although not the best of the Halloween 2007 Flash Contest entrants it may get a top prize. Graphically the best part was the eye and part of the face in the red background. Oh and huzzah for the cat getting iced.
Lol. I wish you hadn't pointed that out. Now it's going to bug me. Thanks for the review, and appreciating the fact that this is a CARTOON; as in I don't go out punting cats.
Not bad Okay Huh d
Well the Chocolate chip clocks are quite the interesting gang, I am eating them right now so it like a pun or something rollFull. Oh I think the intros are the best part of the whole picture show. HI
A few typoes, but I'll over look that. the way how this started is i loved white chocolate and wanted to be a clock and figured chip was the only way to go, and then my 2 best friends joined me as milky and dark, great times... and then a shadow student comes in one day and becomes... swirly chocolate chip clock! and then Kai (dark) wants to have a girlfriend in the series, so there's pink chocolate, and then my grampa becomes minty, in episode 2 and then by episode 5, i had my uncle in there as peanut butter, and now my cousin's begging me to make him caramel... and i think, getting off of that, the hi was weird and you're eating chocolate chips?... that or you're making a game about it or something?
I am using the flash 7.0
I musted off missed alot. The ng tank stayed on the screen for 9 seconds, then the rest looked like a shitty FBF squiggly shitfest. Curses I aint using the 9.
Yey i think the next one i gonna try to get it in something lower than 9. Sry well thanks for the review.
Accept your perceived reality. n,l,e, I am the one that hides In Flames and fire. Ingested listen to them.🔨
Age 34
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Joined on 2/12/02