That is how the King of the Hill should be made. With velociraptors in hard hats wielding chainsaws. LMAO. Nice catcus too I thought it was a fork j/k and huge blunt cock. GOod show 7C.
That is how the King of the Hill should be made. With velociraptors in hard hats wielding chainsaws. LMAO. Nice catcus too I thought it was a fork j/k and huge blunt cock. GOod show 7C.
I totally agree. I'd watch KOTH more often if there were velociraptors. You're a good man. You also get pancakes.
Eh sprites
Too late there already is a total dram island parody with sprites, its called Sprite Drama Island or something with Sprite replacing the word in TDI. As for this flash well besides the music and sprites it wasn't too good. Everything that was custom was bland and looked retard (i.e. on color backgrounds) and etc.
I like the token white guy in the crowd.
That was disturbing shit right there. The freaky background music and downright spooky ghost on the those clips scared me straight now I love women. I would say for the fronickproductions too continue on with more investigative reporting but damn for the love of the Holy Spirit don't. Please okay.
Oh shit.
There's more shit in number 2.
I'll be working on that shit as soon as I catch up on college work.
Thanks for noticing that shit was a big part of this production.
It ended in a great very unexpected ending. This is too good to spoil, so I can just say that the artwork,graphics and animation is very well done. Great show awesome job my friend. The quality selection was pretty funny if you are a avid newgrounds fan and know a little about the groups and there demeanor.
I forgot to mention omfg that was intense. On the edge of your seat kind.
Here I am agian.
This was I would like to say teh trippy but that's overused in today's society. Yeah sure switching between realms and different styles of graphics would be grounds for labeling this as trippy not to mention the liquidity and wave effects on the whatever the fuck that thing is a bear. I pleasured my self with rusty thumbtacks glued to my hand several time watching this.
would you like a tetanus shot? :3
Accept your perceived reality. n,l,e, I am the one that hides In Flames and fire. Ingested listen to them.🔨
Age 34
Coney Island Comm. College
Capital Wasteland
Joined on 2/12/02