Most violent Ive seen on ng....
recently. 12/10 for violence. LIEK OMG TEH WADE I5 PHUNNY. But seriously this is some sick work whats next for pico killing the nozombies or fighting xombie.
Most violent Ive seen on ng....
recently. 12/10 for violence. LIEK OMG TEH WADE I5 PHUNNY. But seriously this is some sick work whats next for pico killing the nozombies or fighting xombie.
Short and simple
So I think this was done pretty good. Like the artistic style oringal man but the blood could be improved and have the guys have some offense\defense.
oringal?? right... thanks for the tips anyway, I took all the ones from the last set of reviews and people seem to prefer this, so next time they might fight back (the useless asses)
poor stevie
get sound loops that are its smooth (ie really has no end or beginn') Also why was the rose moving so much? Was the greeting at the florist related to pube muppet who cares right. In the next show have steevie(however its spellt) Say u whore and kick the guy in the gut and stun him and he ends up rapeing teh girl and shit like that.
Well. I couldn't find any good soundloops for these events, so I just used GW to "cut" music. The rose was moving because of the wind! And YES, the greeting was related to PUBE MUPPET hehehe. I shall consider your thoughts.
Thanks for the review
W3ll D0n3
I liked the superbowl of football banner and the KOH parody. But get rid of the talking clock hands create um its up to joo. and for some odd reasons the stars made me vote fifen woot my 5 r's belong to this!!!!!1111
wow the star thing actually worked... on one person
I luv all teh out of tank episode woot. In this on can turtles stay under water. shut up its a flash not real life. now this serious is great continue making em.
a funny flash hey
What some wierd ways to die. I thought grims voice was pushing towards adam corolla in family guy. but anyway the the gut dieing from the tanker xpolsions say nice zinger.
always great.
Wholesome fun for um part of the family. the sound loop was great. wanted to see more animation. ned the mushroom thats the best character. keep um cawmin'
woot this flash snaps
Woo go knuckles. The koopas actual got a push then had some kills. I see bg from all the super mario games g0_od job. keep em coming! woo yeah... rock on woo.
Accept your perceived reality. n,l,e, I am the one that hides In Flames and fire. Ingested listen to them.🔨
Age 34
Coney Island Comm. College
Capital Wasteland
Joined on 2/12/02