a poop song well
sice it was beatifully animated and written it was mighty good. that was one nasty turd... what gives what gives(.)
a poop song well
sice it was beatifully animated and written it was mighty good. that was one nasty turd... what gives what gives(.)
crap I have to review it agian
Stupid rogue whistlers git teh hell of NG. If you remember what I said last time same goes here. ng tt roman numerals um they rock woo yeah party on.
Awe crunk yo
The intro was good classic bond. but the the sfx i think for the lampshade sounded like fuzz. Its good to see vintage pubemuppet in a full lenghth feature lol. A good gta reference to the gun store.gta sanandreas is going rock.
it twas ok.
The work was ok in all. Could needimprovement but whatever right. also drunkennape part did finish correctly. joo alr3dy knew that
good intro.
Now make a full lenght jackass stick episode and come up with your own idears. good luck or if (response no) ah shucks! omg liek wtf!!1111!
it was all right.
I see most sick movies like this get blammed. This was done with more than boredom as a motive I hope, ok so thats it.
All well done.
Every episode was great. the audio match well with all the movies or is it teh other way around. Yo cant wait for group B yeah/
Good improvement
Teh characters are great improvement. Nice conculsion with pico. wtf was that a boner the guy had?
Yeah, I gave a lot of effort into drawing the characters and into making the whole thing a bit more "animated", you know. Well, thanks for the compliments. The boner the guy had was created because the girl says she still loves him, and that simple fact makes him have a boner, wich is stupid/fun ! :)
Thanks for the review.
Accept your perceived reality. n,l,e, I am the one that hides In Flames and fire. Ingested listen to them.🔨
Age 34
Coney Island Comm. College
Capital Wasteland
Joined on 2/12/02