OMg teh 1337.
The antipaction the drama the suspense 17 was overwhelming :whew: Truly magical indeed. Joo h8terz c4nt stop mystic kiss, fools.
-I have a habit.
OMg teh 1337.
The antipaction the drama the suspense 17 was overwhelming :whew: Truly magical indeed. Joo h8terz c4nt stop mystic kiss, fools.
-I have a habit.
Omg no plot.
So it a intro I assume the double zero means a series that be good but I can see over 10 but over 100. it just alphabetize on the pull down list or I maybe thinking something or a thing totally different. OMFG make more oor.
-pay to the order of joo
Jata whut a nice stickler movie.
It either good foreground and bad background or vice versa. unless joo really good or have several people work on it. The dvd menu or whatever its called was a nice touch to teh submission. Next will be better they can only hope/
-Indorsment "for review only"
DBZ = homosexual pr0n.
Still work on competeling flash. There are still hardcore dbz fans on ng I think. Check out aherdofgoats work on dbz and other stuff it is phenomenal. Best wishes and denonce any liking of dbz in the future.
ok sure
Sad this be the last one.
oh wait id1ot below me wrote an abusive review. Ha so next if the retards get it you have no zeros in the review then you can write a good review and give a zero. Whos next on the new series or continue with Dubbya as the lead role.
Mystic Kiss will never end, we will always make more, and plus I'm gonna make my own kiss series staring myself as well.
What can I say it was necromantic
I hope Lf stands for Legendaryfrog Not Lenny Freguson. oh well it was good. cont1nu3nce with teh kIs5es.
Legendary Frog :D
Hilarity indeed insues
Yeah sure fans get exicted over SF but if he just stuck to that you people would just call him a one trick mule or a one hit wonder of flash. I liked milkman with sick and pointless murderous rampage(s) and necrophilia, indeed so persue whatever the highest consumer demand is.
L4ff oot lawd.
A great song is the foundation to a great mus.vid. THis song sholuld and will go in history as a classic. -2 negative bg.
OMFG Still thee goodest.
well done this maybe like one of the mere best series of flash on the ng. grammer does not complete. I will seriously consider buying your products mmmm.
Accept your perceived reality. n,l,e, I am the one that hides In Flames and fire. Ingested listen to them.🔨
Age 34
Coney Island Comm. College
Capital Wasteland
Joined on 2/12/02