No need to censor even if the censor looks a little better. It was a good madnessesque flash. Good recoginizable music too. halleo
No need to censor even if the censor looks a little better. It was a good madnessesque flash. Good recoginizable music too. halleo
Would be better.
Yeah anything with pie or chuck norris is stupid and unfunny. But anyways you ngcollabers did a swell job.
I dont need to say how fine this is I will be sure the core newgros will tell you this. Some drawings were just to um is there a word uh no, brush strokey. Then omg white BG wtf, could be something.
DBZ sucks hairy ass.
BUt the flash exlucding the content was pretty good. Actually well produced. Lol@those two fags fighting, goku and picclos, yeah uhm. The menu and preloader were the best part.
i love the pancakes
Yes I do those flatcakes and shortstacks drenched with real candian maple syrup oh my its delightful. And the collab was good all rifht. jjj
Congrat NG on 300K submissions
And a congrats to the ones that submitted and got the three hundred thousandth slot. Ok so this reviews isnt unhelpful and marked abusive. The flash it was amazing I just pleased something passed instead the 300k being stick fight dbz2 in the graveyard. Good work, keep it up, <additional generic compliments>
<additional generic thanks>
Hello what.
oh yeah dont do a directors commentary when high just because. Isms huh? So its not the official episode, then why not entitle it "Aqua Life The Secret Missing Episode" Also it needed more variety of offensive words than fuck. Finally stay away from the creator talks to the characters hopefully this is the last time (because waterman made it stupid here on ng).
Don't worry, I don't plan to have the creator talk to the characters anymore. It's also refreshing to see that at least one person would like to see a wider variety of offensive words... most people just complain there is too many. So why is it not entitled the "Secret Missing Episode"... Let's just say, as you pointed out, I did the commentary while not in the best frame of mind.... I got a TAD off-track, a good juxtaposition with the episode's plot, no?
This series is the best
Series ever to grace newgrounds. Great music, plot, storyline, animation and everything else was applied perfectly to this masterpiece.
you fine sir are a fine sir.
Accept your perceived reality. n,l,e, I am the one that hides In Flames and fire. Ingested listen to them.🔨
Age 34
Coney Island Comm. College
Capital Wasteland
Joined on 2/12/02