way to damn slow
and fix the sound the mic must have been bumped to many times. those zombis where some scary shit. so why didnt that idiot run away. thats about it execpt for one thing...
way to damn slow
and fix the sound the mic must have been bumped to many times. those zombis where some scary shit. so why didnt that idiot run away. thats about it execpt for one thing...
it was a comedy, ever seen a zombi film? the people are idiots they never run away, just flap their arms and scream - just like him. glad you found the zombis scary =)
teh best ff out th3re
So whats the moral of the story kids do your homework, no wrong cheat and copy the h.w. cant prove if jap is correct but I know in vietanemse mmmh (crap its a sound affect) means totally.
teh 50und w45 teh b35t p4rt
Yeah thats about it. pixelated thing scrolling across the screen its all right but the sound hypnotized me and I was late for class hence done well friend my.
ok sure it was some what funny
the ski-free monster I have played that crappy game in years it brings back memorys lol.
Yeah, good ol windows 95 eh?
ng tt 9 w/ pirates and\or ninjas
W0ot that I saze when it was loading. because all pirate films are teh k0Ol yo. (insert this collection roxxors.)
f1n3 work
teh new wave of teh future computer techno noises. not likely but it would be funny. done well.
it is funny...
many men dream they had some women madly in love with them but if that happen she'd be some whacked up nut who escape from the insane asylum. this movie is similar to pepe le pu (the french skunk on is it looney tunes)
well its a sb
but muxh more better than some xrap Ive seen here.
Accept your perceived reality. n,l,e, I am the one that hides In Flames and fire. Ingested listen to them.🔨
Age 34
Coney Island Comm. College
Capital Wasteland
Joined on 2/12/02