Accept your perceived reality. n,l,e, I am the one that hides In Flames and fire. Ingested listen to them.🔨

Age 34


Coney Island Comm. College

Capital Wasteland

Joined on 2/12/02

Exp Points:
78,070 / 100,000
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
10.06 votes
Sup. Commander
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
7y 30d


Your profile pic is pure win.

It was custom made well just the background. Since I suck at image editing programs it took 30 minutes. LOL


11. The Truth Is In Here

[Arjen Lucassen:]
Last night I had that dream again
My world was black as night
Plagued by visions of a future world
[Liselotte Hegt:] Mr L, did you take your meds?

[Arjen Lucassen:]
I sang about these dreams
Warning man of his demise
Wasted words that no one heard
[Liselotte Hegt:] Won't you please relax? I'll make your bed

[Arjen Lucassen:]
Today I had that dream again
I roamed among the stars
On the wings of an amazing flight
[Liselotte Hegt:] Mr L, do you feel OK?

[Arjen Lucassen:]
To a place beyond our time
Where the sunlight doesn't warm
And colour bleeds into the night
[Liselotte Hegt:] We may have to increase your dose today

[Arjen Lucassen:]
I know the truth is out there
Didn't you want to see?
I know the truth is in here
[Liselotte Hegt:] Why should we believe you?
[Arjen Lucassen:] If you want to feel

[Arjen Lucassen:]
Now I have that dream again
I live beneath the waves
In a realm of grace and majesty
[Liselotte Hegt:] Mr L, can I ease your mind?

[Arjen Lucassen:]
In the distant shadows loom
Cold machines rise from the deep
In a world once proud and free
[Liselotte Hegt:] Would you free your thoughts, let it all abide

[Arjen Lucassen:]
I hate to have that dream again
They live inside my head
Feeling everything I feel inside
[Liselotte Hegt:] Mr L can you please be still?

[Arjen Lucassen:]
They speak to me in dreams
They can see all I can see
They have always been my guide
[Liselotte Hegt:] Gotta hush now, please have another pill!

[Arjen Lucassen:] I know the truth is out there
[Liselotte Hegt:] Why should we believe you?
[Arjen Lucassen:]
If you want to see
I know the truth is here
[Liselotte Hegt:] Why should we deceive you?
[Arjen Lucassen:] If you want to feel?

[Liselotte Hegt:]
We are all alone
There's no one there
You don't have to be afraid

[Arjen Lucassen:] Can't you see through this masquerade?
[Liselotte Hegt:] We are all alone
[Arjen Lucassen:] We are all clones
[Liselotte Hegt:] There's no one there
[Arjen Lucassen:] I am so scared
[Liselotte Hegt:] You don't have to be afraid

[Arjen Lucassen:]
Last night I had that dream again
My world was black as night
Plagued by visions of a future world
[Liselotte Hegt:] Mr L, would you take your rest?

[Arjen Lucassen:]
They speak to me in dreams
They could see all I can see
They have always been my guide
[Liselotte Hegt:] Won't you please relax? I'll make your bed

[Arjen Lucassen:] I know the truth is out there
[Liselotte Hegt:] Why should we believe you?
[Arjen Lucassen:] If you want to see
[Liselotte Hegt:] Why should we deceive you?
[Arjen Lucassen:] I know the truth is in here
[Liselotte Hegt:] Why should we believe you?
[Arjen Lucassen:] If you want to feel?

Got a clip?

No but I could find one if you want and are more specific, my boy.


YES Youth Employment Strategy (Canada)
YES Youth Employment Service (Canada)
YES Yankees Entertainment & Sports
Yes Youth Engaged in Service
YES Young Epidemiology Scholars
YES Yamaha Education Suite
YES Youth for Environmental Sanity
YES Youth Emergency Services
YES Youth Empowerment Summit
YES Youth Education Series (Disney Institute Youth Programs)
YES Youth Enhancement Services
YES Young Entrepreneurs for Europe
YES Young Engineers Sportscar (automobile)
YES Youth Engineering and Science
YES Youth Environmental Summit (Youth Environmental Coalition)
YES Youth and Education Services
YES Youth Education Scholarship
YES Youth Exchange Scheme (UK)
YES Youth Employment Start
YES Yellowstone Ecosystem Studies
YES Youth Engaged in Science (Woodstock, GA)
YES Youth Entrepreneurial Success
YES Youth Entrepreneurship Strategy (Smile Africa International)
YES Youth Elderly Service
YES Youth Entrepreneurs Society (Egypt)
YES Youth Exchanging with Seniors (FCCLA)
YES Yellowstone Electronic Solutions Company
YES Youth and Environment Society (Bahrain)
YES Yamada English Services (Tokyo, Japan)
YES Yacht Escort Ships, International


dislocate your spine



i clicked it


i didnt click on it

You better than fucker

the time i do have


um, yeah, hi.

(> <)


i was wondering do you have the password to my account zachnaruto88???

oh wait I left it up my ass.

I've watched all 10 eps from the first two weeks of Conan doing the Tonight Show, and I have only one complaint (aside from it not being in NYC anymore, which I think fits Conan way better than LA does):


I miss Joel so much. ;_; I miss the old "parties" that Conan would show polaroids of him + Max + Joel from. They're not featuring enough Max bits now that Andy is back, and Joel being 100% gone just makes it worse. ;_;

I need to get a dvr or something similar to a dvr to record the show, while I am working. I think it was a stupid idea to move to LA. I agree with everything expect with moar, it should be a lot MORE.

yeah, I set up a DVR program for the new Conan just before he started on June 1st. I think I've watched all but 2 of them the next day, not live. So get on that, man! There's been 15 now.

Episode #15 had some of the best stuff in it. Triumph made his... triumphant return. If we can't have any Joel, at least we've still got some Triumph.

BTW, one night my DVR didn't tape it for some reason, and I watched the ep on nbc.com... the HD show viewer didn't work for me in Firefox OR Opera, so I had to use IE, but aside from that it works great. So go check out Friday 6/19's show on the website if you didn't already. Or at least the first two (pre-interview) segments.

Yeah I saw that one and I am able the see them now for a few weeks hooray. I like the NBC view I might watch the ones I missed. SO what this a chat log about what I wonder.

oh okay I am about the find out. After a good fap to Lincolns Repeater

Bahamut wanted me to share this conversation we had about GTA:VC earlier on Steam with you. I suppose it's somewhat of a tribute to Grand Theft Auto, to Tommy Vercetti in particular, and even to you and your crazy FF bashing fun tiems. ENJOY, ya glorious bastich:

19:23 - Bahamut: right now, more Vice City for me
19:24 - gfox: cool. The one GTA I've actually played 100% through.
19:24 - gfox: Enjoy!
19:36 - Bahamut: HOLY SHIT
19:36 - Bahamut: Tommy Vercetti took only 32 armor damage from jumping off a building
19:37 - gfox: hahah. Well, he's fucking Tommy Vercetti, what do you fucking expect?
19:37 - Bahamut: it defies all logic
19:37 - Bahamut: lol
19:38 - Bahamut: but why on earth do I get jack shit from a man in a suit yet get $200 from a woman in a bikini?
19:38 - Bahamut: EXPLAIN THAT ONE
19:38 - gfox: You kidding me? Everyone's dead within 1 minute except for Tommy Vercetti and Robert DeNiro's character from Goodfellas. And at that point, I'm not sure I even

want to guess what would happen.
19:38 - gfox: get $200 from a woman in a bikini? I dunno what you mean.
19:39 - Bahamut: for killing her
19:39 - gfox: oh, the random cash piles.
19:39 - Bahamut: what she drops when she dies
19:39 - gfox: Because they're... RANDOM? #;-}>
19:39 - Bahamut: yeah
19:39 - gfox: some rich dudes only carry credit cards.
19:39 - Bahamut: but where would she hold that money?
19:39 - gfox: Some homeless people carry 1000 bucks in their pockets (it's their bank)
19:39 - gfox: Up her pussy, obviously.
19:39 - gfox: Get with it, man.
19:39 - Bahamut: well, yes, but you'd expect them to have some cash with them
19:39 - Bahamut: lol
19:39 - gfox: This ain't Final Fantasy, you gotta think GTA style now.
19:40 - Bahamut: but GTA is more real-life-like :P
19:40 - gfox: like I said, maybe he literally only had credit cards on him. No cash at all.
19:40 - gfox: Yeah, and I just told you several reasons why people don't always carry money in proportion to how well off they look.
19:40 - gfox: Which is perfectly real-life-like.
19:41 - gfox: And, women do smuggle drugs and cash in their vaginas from time to time.
19:41 - Bahamut: but not a woman in a bikini shoving money up her pussy
19:41 - Bahamut: ack
19:41 - gfox: Sure they do.
19:41 - Bahamut: THEY DON'T
19:41 - Bahamut: XD
19:41 - gfox: Man, you need to get out more.
19:41 - Bahamut: hahaha
19:41 - gfox: (wink)
19:41 - gfox: now, hopefully she put it in a ziplock first.
19:41 - gfox: Because who knows what was on those bills...
19:41 - Bahamut: o____________O
19:42 - gfox: cocaine... infectious diseases... dried semen...
19:42 - gfox: you'd be surprised what can get on money. ^_^
19:42 - Bahamut: what if it's fresh from the bank
19:42 - gfox: Well, then at least the worst that could have happened to it was from the bank and/or government mint.
19:43 - gfox: Those employees COULD get a little wild at the printing press or in the vault in back respectively, but... eh, it's probably safe. relatively. ^_~
19:43 - Bahamut: maybe not then
19:43 - gfox: New GTA V, now with handwashing scenes in between every killing, cash pick up, mission, and sex scene.
19:44 - gfox: REALISM SQUARED.
19:44 - Bahamut: lol
19:44 - gfox: Our new playable character is our most realistic person EVER. Filled with intense germophobia.
19:44 - Bahamut: needs more dragons
19:44 - gfox: He wisely always cleans up after cleaning the shit out of the city's gutters.
19:44 - gfox: signed, rockstar.
19:44 - gfox: STAY CLEAN, KIDS.
19:44 - Bahamut: you must mention this to iscrulz
19:45 - gfox: </public service announcement embedded in every mission of GTA5 from Rockstar>
19:45 - gfox: You can thank Jack Thomson for all of that, I guess.
19:45 - gfox: IT'S ALL HIS FAULT.

19:47 - Bahamut: I hate Final Fantasy and always loved GTA.
19:47 - gfox: ...
23:38 - Bahamut: I finally got a PSTriple and GTA: IV what is iscrulz's PSN alias.
23:38 - gfox: try iscrulz or SkaptoR.

SO YOU'RE talking shit behind my back, I am too cheap to get Steam. Or a computer that could handled it. Until then I am waiting for Pitt, Operation Anchorage and other Fallout 3 games.

Oh wait I left it up the woman in the bikini vagina. Tell Bahamut she was a stripper by night that is why she had the dough, and Sabre Turbo is the best car.

God dammit I'm going to miss Joel Goddard and his awesome ! : D ! face.

Check it out. Krev why didn't he make the transition. The Burmese Python cock was pretty funny.

Spam Post

Banned bitch.

rest in peas Billiard mayonnaise (195plop-200flush)

sleep well sweet spokesperson. Kaboom oxi-clean for all your whites. Mighty putty even has the strength to hold OMFG SIXTY THOUSAND POUNDS OF FORCE!!!!!!.

I miss Joel Goddard.
It's cool having Andy and Conan together again though.

Its like teh nostaaliga yeah. Joel has a lot better voice for the intro Andy's just doesn't fit well. Maybe Joel will be on the Lay Jeno show this fall.

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